Tuesday 5 January 2016

Cloud Computing Paradox : The Inception Story

      I once had a dream of why I am addicted to such newer news, Am I going to survive without Internet.Dream within dream was iPad is unable to connect even I am having 4G working connection.

Cannot stop where I was dream has collapsed, I don't see anything .. Was that a paradox ? Reality which is bound to happen !!  How about some learning for our day to utlity cloud services, can we survive in this Information Edge without Cloud ?

These were question in my Mind !!!
  • What will happen if Internet/Cloud access is no more ?
  • So much cloud necessity in my life.
  • Is this for Music Services, on demand access to apps ?
  • So much information and newer data is uploaded to cloud adoption?


Let us call you all as designers and and will talk about this cloud computing.

Nowadays cloud computing industry is growing like crazy with ease of more requirement for information for newer businesses. Data has become new oil or new value as concepts like Big Data came into play. Over 10 TB of data has been uploaded to Facebook Servers and YouTube has been never been exception for this. Cloud players are now designated to have its computing, storage and networking resources to have optimal and adoptable use for all its Data Center assets.

Let us seek answers for How Cloud Got Muddy ??

1. Newer ways of sharing selfies, it is most optimistic  and funny reason.

selifes, festivals

Data outgrowth has many reasons


Jevons Paradox

In economics, the Jevons paradox occurs when technological progress increases the efficiency with which a resource is used (reducing the amount necessary for any one use), but the rate of consumption of that resource rises because of increasing demand
It clearly suggest that more demand on cloud based rental services. Wherever you go it wille be more hunger for Music listening services, no more requirement for onboard chip based storage.
Same can be applied to use of computing power to rise of silicon chips used as storage devices. Companies invest in real estate and those data costs/expenditure never gets maintained. Always there is paradox for more consumption of data, more agression towards newer resource.

Efficiency can be taken in perspective of Green computing, are those computing resourses are completely utilized, Are those cloud based providers are ridiculously charging for some instance?
Manufacturing power /Computing power is growing and become stagnant according to Parkinson's Law "Demand upon a resource tend to expand to match the supply of the resource."

Price $$$ Subscription based services and that eliminates need of carrying music locally and much more.

Demand is insanely growing since 3G/4G and smart devices consumption is increasing and thus adding more data Also worst bandwidth due to bandwidth at festivals timing where mobile crowd is more.

Consumption: so as per Parkinson's Law, demand tend to expand the match the supply of the resource. More consumption, more providers and more services.
Computer chips tends to get cheaper but more used in cloud storage thus adding more power requirement and thus less more access through internet and adding more power requirement
So there is nowhere to go beyond utilization, only perception of Paradox

So there will be more new hardware and software, you are bound to use it . That is reality !!!


You are doomed to make choices. This is life's greatest paradox.

Wayne Dyer